mardi 25 juin 2013


     As we celebrate the WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY, an internationally recognised day for the Praise and Glorification of the ensemble of all gallant actions, processes, and deeds of the entire "Spiritually" elevated Members Of The Fourth Estate of The Realm; Journalists, Quasi-Journalists, Bloggers, Philosophers, Activists, Comrades and all others who are sworn and dedicated to the unbiased welfare of The Masses and The Labour Force.
It is a day specially set aside to shower praises and pour encomiums on the heads of all heroic "officers cum foot soldiers" of the exceedingly large and indomitable "Communication Army."
It is a day reserved for stock taking, for appraisals, for evaluation and for "retreat."
     The WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY is also a day that is uniquely designed to strategically lay down the groundwork to plan and map out solid tactics for a "Fresh and Lasting Offensive" against Tyrants, Cabals, Dictators, Desperate cum Power-Hungry Politicians, Corrupt Leaders, Imperialists, Neo-Colonialists, Theives, Armed-Robbers, Mafias, Organized Crime Gangs, Smugglers, Cultists, Rapists, Ritualists, Kidnappers, Saboteurs, Homosexuals, Paedophiles, Terrorists, Fundamentalists, Religious Fanatics, Suicide Bombers, Nuclear War-Heads and Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMD's) thirsty Rogue-Regimes, and indeed, the entire Enemies Of The Masses and their Secret Sponsors.
     WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY is a day to "HONOUR", "ADORE", "WORSHIP", and annually "CELEBRATE" the VICTORY of the PEN over the SWORD. It is a day to ensure that the Freedom of the Press is continually guaranteed in places/countries/jurisdictions/regions where this #Freedom already exists. It is a day to campaign and agitate for the expansion of this "Freedom" in places where they are curtailed, restricted, or even repressed. It is a day to go back to the "drawing-board" in order to launch a powerful, revolutionary et finally liberating counter-attack against Tyrants, Dictators, Governments and Organizations that have forbidden, forbid, or are planning to forbid "FREE", "UNDIlUTED" and "UNCENSORED" access to data, information and knowledge.
     It must be categorically stated that the totality of all the "Spiritually" elevated members of the Fourth Estate of The Realm are "Not For The Turning" until FREE and EQUITABLE access to #Information becomes an unhindered #RIGHT to all and sundry, and for the effective eternal #Liberation of the Masses from disease, poverty, oppression, bondage, intimidation, repression, surpression, unneccessary castigation, blackmail and ostracization of any guise, form or manner.
     It is remarkable to note the tremendous contributions of the Good Old Town Crier, the Postal Carrier, the Radio, and the Television to #Communication in our world, but it is most dignifying to humbly accept, underline, and recognise the role of THE SOCIAL MEDIA in our time; the digital information era.
     Kudos must also be duly given to such technological breakthroughs as The Internet, Personal Digital Assistants(PDA's), Smart Phones and not also forgetting the Old and Loyal Fax Machine(Facsimile) which is fast being replaced by the computer scanner all over the world.
The #Internet has given rise to fast growing and very popular Social Networking and Communication websites like #TWITTER, #FACEBOOK, #LINKEDIN, #YOUTUBE, #OPERA, and #GOOGLEPLUS.
     Of a very important note also are websites that ultimately allow laymen to publish their experiences, feelings, thoughts, ideas, opinions, culture and religion by maintaining a free #WEBLOG which is now commonly and popularly referred to as a "BLOG.".
     The BLOG is the single most important technological weapon available to the Masses after a reliable internet connection, a good Smart Phone, PDA, LAPTOP, or any other Computer related device(s) provided that there is a "Regular" supply of electricity. The BLOG allows the Common Man express all his intentions, wishes, prayers and more, without any form of Editting, Correction, or Reformulation except as done by him/her(The Blogger). Special mention should be made of Free "Professional" Blogging websites like #BLOGGER, #BLOGSPOT( ), #OPERA( ), #WORDPRESS, to mention just a few.
It would be nice to state the contradicting fact(La Presse va mal et La Presse va bien) that just as we should rejoice about this new Freedom of The Press and Information, we should also state the fact that some countries are taking Brand New Measures like Covert Data Collection of it's citizens "supposedly" private communication, and Open Source Intelligence(OSINT) of many Journalists, Press Women/Men, Cyber Activists, Online Critics and Bloggers all in the name of "National Security." A typical example is the recent award of a 40 Million Dollars Contract to #ElBIT SYSTEMS, an Isreali Inteligence Gathering and Online Espionage Company to spy and gather Data/Information/Intelligence on all the electronic communications of all Nigerians by The Federal Government of Nigeria. All progressive members of the Press and The Fourth Estate Of The Realm in general strongly condemn this calculated and rude attack on the privacy of Nigerians and demand immediate withdrawal of such unprovoked hostilities against the Common Man and the ensemble of The Masses by Anti-People Governments cum Imperialist Organizations all over the world.
All the enemies of progress, peace, security, development, equitable trade, good health, tranquility, stabilty and The #Masses in general should always be reminded that; Indeed, THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD!!!



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